Teevee The Marketer Highlight Reel

Media Appearances

I’ve  had the privilege of being brought on to Univision and Telemundo to speak on topics that impact the Spanish Speaking community on a several occasions.

I am typically asked to speak on “How ideas spread online” and why people fall victims to fake news and propaganda.

It’s all marketing. Unfortunately it’s marketing with terrible intentions.

In this interview with Telemundo, I share my thoughts on how to best protect our children online by educating them on how to be good digital citizens. I’ve come to believe that talking to our children about this topic is as important as the “bird and bees” conversation.

Angel Pedrero from Univision 23 in Dallas brought me on to speak about online privacy and how to protect ourselves. The cold hard truth is that the only way to protect your data is to delete your social media accounts. Despite Facebook catching a lot of heat for their debacles, every other platform is just as guilty about collecting your data.

The thumbnail is a bit misleading. I, personally, did not fall in love with my hacker. This story is crazy and one that I think happens more often than I care to admit. 

Man gets a friend request from a pretty woman. Things escalates and man falls in love with pretty woman. Pretty woman feels the same. But now she needs a favor. She’s a millionare and wants to share the money with him, but needs him to send $3000 to ship the money to him.

What happens next? Well luckily for this fellow, he finally woke up from his dream that was about to become a nightmare.  

Teevee The Marketer interview on Al Punto

In this extended interview with Angel Pedrero, we discuss the spread of “Fake News” in the Hispanic Spanish speaking communities. We talked about how to spot Fake News and how to help from being part of the problem by not sharing this trash. We have to do our due diligence before sharing content purely because it angers us. We must be better Digital Citizens.


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“Marketing is a super-power. I choose to use it to spread happiness and joy (and helping my clients help their clients)”

–  Teevee Aguirre
Speaking in the 3rd Person

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