Now here a little story I’d like to tell…

Familia Aguirre

Did you know that this is typically the most visited page on a website (besides the homepage)?

It’s true, but you may be wondering why.

That’s because on this page is where you as a company and brand can share a bit more about your story. Why do you do what I do? What is your mission? People love to know who the real people are behind a brand.

So what’s my story?

As you can see from the photo above, I am a father of two fantastic young ladies. They are my WHY, plain and simple.

I quit my job and started my marketing company in 2009 to be more involved and present in their parenting.

I had been working in grocery retail for 18 years, most of which were in various management positions.  I spent two years in the training department as a leadership and management trainer. This experience gave me the awareness and comfort to teach and lead a class which now shows itself in my videos.

My agency has now been up and running for over 10 years. In that time I have helped numerous businesses grow and thrive. Check out some of my testimonials by visiting my Reviews Page.

I take a great deal of pride knowing that I helped another business owner build their dreams. And you in turn help your clients/customers/ or patients. I help relieve your worries about where their business is going to come from or if your marketing budget is being spent wisely.

You can trust that someone is working diligently to help you grow your audience and ensuring that every dollar spent is being maximized to it’s fullest potential.

I limit my clients because I want to ensure that we offer the best service possible. Being that my background is in grocery, customer service is in my DNA.

This approach also ensures that I am not stretching myself or my team too much.

Which ultimately ensures that I am present for my daughters during their band performances or choir recitals. Corny, right?

Let’s work together.

Click the button below to schedule the best time to chat and learn more about each other.