Digital Brand Storytelling

Unskippable Labs: The Mobile Recut | YouTube Advertisers

Google and Youtube want to help us. They do. It is in their best interest to help us make money by leveraging their platforms to the best of our ability.

We have to tell a better story. It doesn’t have to be shorter, it has to be better. Period.

Their stats pretty much make this fool proof.

In an era of choice, you have to be the viewers choice.

In their example you see the three cuts get the same view through.
However on the third version of the video ad the viewers chose to watch longer.

Viewers of third, more fun, cut of the ad didn’t recall seeing an ad…. yet the “lift/brand awareness” was the same versus the other 2 cuts.

“It’s less about Yes I saw the ad and more about Yes,  I saw the brand.

If you are fun and engaging then people will stick around and see what you have to say.